I’m definitely dating myself with the title of this post. Do you remember the old ad where a woman was de-stressing after a long day by using “Calgon”? Well, I think it would be so much better to actually get away and this lovely island scene is making me wish for a get away.
This was actually one of the cards that the South Burlington stamp club group made in their April meeting. I’m clearly a little slow in getting this shared here, but hopefully late is better than never. I did want to show this sample before the end of the month because one of the colors used is the lovely Dapper Denim which is a retiring In Color. We will be getting some beautiful colors, but I admit that I’m sad to see this color going away. If you love it too, then please don’t delay in ordering it before it is gone forever. The club group enjoyed creating with this amazing stamp set, and I’m happy that it is carrying forward into the new catalog. I have seen so many amazing creations with it, so I’m looking forward to playing some more.
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