Oh man – it was a hot one over the weekend! And it’s forecasted to get even worse this week. So, I took this as an opportunity to stay inside in the cooler air and do some card making. I also enjoyed some TV and reading. All wonderful activities when going outside almost instantly brings out a sweat. I hope that you’re finding strategies to keep cool as the air continues to heat up.

I drew color inspiration from a recent challenge from the Global Design Project. I found a flower cluster from the Fully Flowering Ephemera pack that suited the color scheme wonderfully, and some patterned papers in the Country Lace patterned paper were perfect, too. I really like these colors together for some nice contrast that isn’t too jarring.

This current challenge from the Freshly Made Sketches blog was the inspiration for my card layout. The only change from the sketch is two patterns for the vertical strips instead of the 3 that are indicated based on the different colors. This was made my cutting efforts much simpler since I didn’t have to figure out sizing for the 3 strips. This sketch is a great opportunity to show off some pretty patterned paper and smaller images + greeting on the focal layer. I had a lot of fun with this one!

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