Stampin’ Up! has announced some changes to the reservation process for this amazing new tool. I had shared information previously on this post here. I won’t regurgitate all of that information, because much of it still applies. What has changed is the reservation process – the details about the tool are unchanged.

Previously, the plan was to have 3 reservation windows. The first has already happened on November 16th, and the response was massive. The quantity that were available for that reservation window were all claimed in the first 12 minutes. Wowzers!!! Because the response was so strong, Stampin’ Up! has decided to change the plan for the remainder of the reservations. There will only be one more reservation window now, not 2, and that window starts today at 4:00 pm EST. The reservation window will stay open until December 30th regardless of the number that are reserved. So… if you’re not able to sign on right away, don’t fret, you’ll be able to make your reservation. What will change however, is the dates when reservations will be available to be shipped. The company will fulfill the reservations in the order that they are placed, so the earlier you can place your reservation, the earlier that you will be able to receive your Stamparatus. The manufacturer can make a fixed quantity in a week, so if the reservation volume is large, there will be a longer delay between later reservations and the date that the product for those reservations is available. If you don’t place a reservation, the next time that you will be able to get this cool product is when the new “big” catalog is available in June 2018.

I wasn’t able to place a reservation in time during the first window, but I will certainly try to get mine reserved as soon as possible after the window opens today. I am at work today, so I will be a bit delayed in placing my reservation… Happy reserving everyone!!!